You Have A Facebook Fan Page Twitter Account And Linkedin Account Now What

These three social media channels vary greatly in audiences and types of interactions. Let’s connect the three and see how adding one simple tool will allow you to reduce the time spent on managing all three.

Simply put: Facebook is mostly for conversations with customers(B2C (Business to Consumer companies)) which is facilitated by agencies like Voy Media. Twitter is for quick updates and insights (everyone). Linked In is for finding other professionals (B2B (Business to Business) Companies) that may benefit from your products and services.

There are 2 different ways to interact with your new-found communities: Passively and Actively.

The Passive interaction: You send updates to the 3 tools about new blog posts, thoughts, and contests to allow people to read them. Keep in mind that your passive communications such as Blog posts should have a call to action for your readers (click here to contact me, call us now, click here to send this to your friends, click here to learn more, etc. We will touch on Call to Action in later posts).

You send updates to the 3 tools about new blog posts, thoughts, and contests to allow people to read them. Keep in mind that your passive communications such as Blog posts should have a call to action for your readers (click here to contact me, call us now, click here to send this to your friends, click here to learn more, etc. We will touch on Call to Action in later posts). The Active interaction: You engage in conversations and directly respond to others. You answer questions (originating from others or in responses to your Passive communications), you join conversations, you offer insights, etc.

Social Media should be just that, SOCIAL! Don’t simply push your sales pitch on to customers expecting a quick response and simple sale. We want to develop relationships and build trust so customers think of and search for us, not the other way around.

Passive Interactions

So you’ve spent valuable time creating blog entries that have information that would benefit your customers. You post them to your website, but also want to send them to your Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and LinkedIn connections.

How do you let your new communities and followers know that you created valuable content that may be of some interest to them?

With a simple and FREE tool that allows you to aggregate all of your communication channels into one view. Post one place, and it alerts the world! Enter See the HootSuite Tutorial on how to set up your streams and feeds for a step-by-step guide (coming soon). Also, lookout for a post very soon that teaches you how to avoid wasting time updating your Social Media channels individually by using HootSuite. (You can stay in the know, by signing up for our newsletter or following us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn!)

Active Interactions

Join conversations now!

If your company is both a B2B and B2C, you will be able to use all 3 tools, but in varied ways. Your goal for the 3 tools is the same, find customers, but you should tailor your communications appropriately.

On Facebook and LinkedIn you should join groups where you would find your customers (i.e. If you are a Florist, you may want to join groups related to Mother’s Day Ideas, Wedding chats, etc. on Facebook. Whereas you would want to join groups related to Wedding vendors, Corporate Event Planning, etc. on LinkedIn).

After joining these groups you would give customers tips on how to find the right Florist, or what to look for in a Quality local Florist vs. calling 1-800-Florist. Only offer these insights if they are warranted by the community. DO NOT spam these communities with articles if they are not relevant. By offering your insights you will gain the trust and subsequent following of potential customers.

Remember, building relationships take time. Be patient. This is not an overnight success, get-rich-quick scheme. We are teaching you how to build relationships to grow and sustain your business over time. Do it right, and if nothing else, add value.