Doggie Diet Pills Now Available

While Americans are getting fatter and some dangerously obese, so are their dogs. The cause of this increased weight problem is the same for both people and dogs: too much food and not enough exercise.

Dogs are considered obese if they are more than twenty percent over the ideal weight for their breed. For some reason certain breeds like beagles, Labrador retrievers, and dachshunds are more prone to being overweight than other breeds.

Overweight dogs are more susceptible to certain health problems that also plague overweight people, diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart problems. With the intake of [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]resurge pills, the heart problems of the person will be minimized. There should not be danger or threat to the life of the person with the supplements. Proper research can be conducted at online site for know about the upsides and downsides of the pills. The dosage information will be provided through the experts. 

Fortunately there is a new tool available to help control the weight of our canine friends. It is a drug called Slentrol, manufactured by Pfizer, which has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration. While this drug is not a magic pill, it can help dog owners get their dog’s weight down to where it should be and then with a proper diet and exercise maintain that weight.

Slentrol comes in a liquid form that can be added to your dog’s food or put directly in your dog’s mouth. It is not available over the counter. Your dog must take it under the supervision of a vet so he can monitor your dog’s weight lose and if needed adjust the dosage of Slentrol.

Many vets will advise dog owners try diet and an exercise program before prescribing Slentrol. Vets are more than happy to give advice on how much food your dog should be eating and how much exercise he needs, both vary from breed to breed.

Slentrol works by prohibiting the absorption of fat and controlling appetite. The Federal Drug Administration strongly warns that this drug is not to be taken by humans or animals other than dogs. The cost of giving Slentrol to your dog is one to two dollars per day.

How long your dog needs to take Slentrol depends on how much weight he needs to lose. In clinical studies dogs lost about three percent of their weight per month without changing the amount of food they ate.

The most common side effects for dogs are vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

While Slentrol is a good tool for overweight dogs, it is not a cure all. For dogs to keep the weight off and stay healthy they need a proper diet and exercise.

So why not save money on vet bills and drugs for your dog by getting out the leash and taking your dog for a walk. No only is walking good for your dog, but it is also good for your health.