How To Use Appetite Suppressants And What To Avoid

It’s common to experience hunger. It’s your body’s way of alerting you that you need to eat. But there’s a good chance you’ll put on weight if you start to feel hungry even though you’ve just eaten. Do appetite suppressants work to aid?

Strong appetite suppressants are the latest fad diet craze sweeping across America. In fact, in June 2010, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about appetite suppressant supplements that contain ephedrine, a stimulant commonly found in over-the-counter cold medications like Sudafed. The FDA also warned that these products should be considered dangerous due to their potential for abuse and overdose. 

The FDA did not ban the use of this ingredient, but it is urging consumers to exercise caution when taking them. That’s because they can have serious side effects, such as fast heartbeat, seizures and even death. So why do people still take strong appetite suppressant on theislandnow? Are they safe? Let’s look at what you need to know. 

What Is an Appetite Suppressant? 

An appetite suppressant is any substance that prevents your body from eating more than it normally would. Many weight loss programs encourage people to consume fewer calories by reducing food intake. This is done by either limiting or eliminating certain foods from your diet. But there are other ways to limit food consumption without resorting to extreme measures. 

Appetite suppressants work by suppressing your hunger pangs so that you will eat less throughout the day. They may be used instead of dieting or fasting, or they can be taken together with another strategy to prevent overeating. Some appetite suppressants can also help maintain normal blood sugar levels.

When Should You Take Them? 

Most people begin taking appetite suppressants after they have already lost weight. These supplements are intended to keep you from gaining back all the weight you’ve just shed. Most experts agree that you shouldn’t start using them until you reach your goal weight — usually around two pounds above your target weight. After that, you can continue taking them indefinitely, if necessary. 

But appetite suppressants are not meant to replace a proper diet, nor are they intended to be taken long term. Their purpose is to make sure you don’t gain all the weight back you’ve just lost. If you’re still trying to lose those last few pounds, you probably won’t need them. Once you’ve reached your desired weight, though, they may be helpful in maintaining it. 

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Using Appetite Suppressants? 

In general, appetite suppressants are fairly benign. Side effects include insomnia and nervousness, but no serious health risks are known to exist. However, some types of medication may interact negatively with appetite suppressants. For example, SSRIs, which treat depression, may cause nausea. Also, antihistamines may interfere with their ability to reduce hunger. 

If you decide to take appetite suppressants, consult your doctor first, so he or she can monitor you for any possible adverse reactions. If you experience any problems, stop taking the drug immediately. 

Which Supplements Do We Recommend? 

There are plenty of different types of appetite suppressants on the market today. Some can be purchased directly from manufacturers, while others must be bought online from a reliable source. Here are three of our favorites: 

1) Phentermine

As a prescription weight-loss drug, Phentermine was one of the earliest appetite suppressants to hit the market. It works by stimulating your brain’s production of dopamine, which makes you feel good. This helps to curb your cravings for unhealthy foods. Because it has the potential to boost your metabolism, Phentermine can also help you burn fat faster. 

2) Phenmetrazine

Another popular appetite suppressant, Phenmetrazine was originally marketed under the trade name Phendimetrazine. It is often prescribed to obese patients who want to cut down their calorie intake. Phenmetrazine stimulates your brain chemicals related to pleasure and reward, helping you to enjoy meals and snacks without feeling too full. This effect makes it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet plan. 

3) Orlistat

Orlistat blocks fat absorption from your stomach, preventing you from absorbing calories. This action is similar to that of other drugs used to treat obesity, including Xenical and Alli. The difference between these drugs and Orlistat is that Xenical stops fat absorption through the lining of your intestines, whereas Orlistat targets only the upper part of your digestive tract, where most foods are broken down into fatty acids and absorbed into your bloodstream. 

Orlistat works by blocking up to 90% of the fat that enters your body. This reduces how much fat you absorb, allowing you to lose weight without restricting your caloric intake. Some studies have indicated that Orlistat may also lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, making it a promising option for treating high cholesterol in combination with a healthy diet.

Do You Need a Prescription for Appetite Suppressants? 

As mentioned earlier, many appetite suppressants are available over the counter. And although some doctors recommend taking phentermine and/or Phenmetrazine as a first line treatment, others believe that appetite suppressants should be reserved for overweight patients who have tried everything else.

If you are considering taking an appetite suppressant, ask your doctor to prescribe one for you. Although you may think you’ll save money by purchasing one over the counter, these medications can actually cost more in the long run. This is because they require special handling and storage requirements, plus a prescription is required to buy them. 

It’s important to note that appetite suppressants are not always effective. Many people find that they get hungry again within hours of starting to take them. Others report that they lose their craving but fail to lose any weight because they simply consume more calories than they burned. 

Although they can certainly help you avoid gaining excess weight, they cannot guarantee permanent weight loss. If you aren’t losing weight, discontinue the supplement. Consult your doctor before doing anything drastic.